Kids Crew

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Our Kids Crew usually meets every Sunday during our worship gatherings. Our children's ministry program strives to share the love of Christ with every child in a safe, fun, and engaging environment. Each classroom will have a teacher and helper trained using our safe child policy. We break kids up into different sections based on ages and grade levels.
Explorers (Nursery)
Our goal with nursery is to provide parents with the opportunity to fully experience the worship service and feel confident that their little ones are being cared for in a safe and friendly environment. Children can be dropped off at our nursery before the worship gathering starts and can be picked up at any time. Our nursery is for children birth through 3 years old. We also provide a quiet room for nursing mothers near the nursery equipped with a rocking chair, small sofa, changing table, and audio from the worship gathering.
Kids Crew (Pre-K through 5th Grade)
Kids Crew meets during all of our Sunday morning worship gatherings. Students participating in Kids Crew will begin worship in the worship center with their families and be dismissed after the music portion of our gathering. Children will exit the worship center with their teachers and break into small groups for age appropriate lessons. 

Kids Crew Security

The safety of every child involved in Kids Crew at Voyage Church is a very high priority. To better ensure a safe environment, we use a name-tag check-in system for all of our students. Upon arrival, we ask that children ages birth to 5th grade get checked in at the "Children's Ministry Check-In" station located on the left said of the main entrance lobby. Parents will be given two name tickets for each child - one to be worn by the child and one to be used by the parent to check-out their child at the conclusion of the worship gathering.

All of our Kids Crew volunteers are competent and professional. Each volunteer goes through a background check and receives training prior to working with our children. 

Kids Crew Registration

You may register your children here or when you come in on Sunday

Sunday Mornings

Birth-3 Years Old

Our nursery is open from 9:45am until the end of service. Children can be dropped off before our worship gathering, anytime during the worship gathering, and can be checked-out at any point. 

Pre-K-5th Grade

Kids Crew participants will check-in before worship, participate in music during the worship gathering, and then be dismissed during the worship gathering. Children can be picked up at the conclusion of the worship gathering.

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