Navigation Team

The Navigation Team is the elected governing body of Voyage Church.

Admirals (Elders) - Shepherds of God's People
Our Admirals are the equivalent of elders within the Reformed Church in America's (RCA) Book of Church Order. They will focus on governance, prayer, nurturing, and oversight of the congregation.

Captains (Deacons) - Strategic Leaders of Ministry Areas
Captains are the equivalent of deacons within the RCA Book of Church Order. Captains focus on vision, leadership development, ministries of mercy, service, and outreach.

Lead Pastor
The lead pastor serves as the president of the Navigation Team.

Voyage Church Navigation Team

Glenn Adams

Lead Pastor/President
Glenn is passionate about  Gospel centered preaching, making disciples and multiethnic ministry.  Glenn enjoys playing and watching basketball and he is a die- hard fan of the Detroit Pistons. In his free time, he likes to bake, watch action movies, work in the garden, and game.

Don Visker

Admiral/Vice President of Navigation Team
I love the ministries and the vision of Voyage Church and I am humbled and honored to serve as an Admiral.

Ekwutosi Nnebedum

I am honored to be God’s chosen empty vessel, that He will use to accomplish His work and purpose at Voyage as I rely on Jesus to lead the way.

Cheruba Dhanaraj-Poling

 Cheruba began her spiritual journey with Jesus Christ when she was 12 in a Youth For Christ camp in Central India. During this journey, she has been an instrument in God’s hands and blessed to work for His Kingdom in India, Dubai, and now in the United States. Cheruba is passionate about her work providing consulting and counseling as an inclusion practitioner and cross-cultural strategist and being an ambassador of Christ in healing cultural  divides.

paula davis

  Paula began visiting Voyage in 2016 and signed the Covenant in early 2017. From her very first visit, Paula has experienced and admired the community's genuine hospitality and sincere desire to reflect God's love. She considers it an honor and responsibility to embody and promote these same qualities and strives to do so.

Bryce assink

Bryce has been married to Darcie since 1995.  They have two children, Marisa and Carter, that they still can't believe are adults.  They joined Voyage because the church community is so warm and welcoming.  Bryce is a pharmaceutical research chemist at Grace in South Haven.  Bryce loves science, computers, home & auto DIY, movies, games, traveling and good food.

David Anderson

David has been a Voyager for the past ten years. He has been married to Diane for 20 years and they share their home with their golden retriever, Dory. David has been involved in numerous leadership, service and spiritual development aspects of Voyage since its inception in 2012. David’s professional career over the past four decades has been in college admission, tech startup formation, and educational and business consulting. In his free time, David enjoys travel, Japanese gardening and landscaping, tinkering with his 65 gallon coral reef aquarium and entertaining family and friends at home.

jeff triezenberg

 My wife of 20 years, Carmen, and I were original Voyagers. I was privileged to be a part of the team that helped establish Voyage and part of the original finance team. After a brief stint away from Voyage we have returned “home”. I am humbled to part of the leadership team and look forward to doing God’s work.