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Supreme Life Audio Devotional Colossians 1:27

Oct 23, 2024    Glenn Adams

The Supreme Life Audio Devotion Week 3 #3 Click "more" for relfection questions.

Main Idea: The profound truth that Christ dwells in believers, bringing the hope of eternal glory. Reflect on the transforming power of Christ living in us.


1. What does Paul mean by “the glorious riches of this mystery” in verse 27?

2. What is the significance of the phrase “Christ in you, the hope of glory”? What does this reveal about the nature of the believer’s relationship with Christ?


1. Spend 3-5 mintues in prayer thanking Jesus for being with you. Confess your love to him and welcome him into all areas of your life.

2. How can you live in a way that reflects the “hope of glory” that Christ brings? Get pratical. In what areas of your life do you need to demonstrate more hope, and how can the presence of Christ in you help cultivate that hope?